King Salman's Center for Disability Research was the brainchild of His Royal Highness, prince Sultan Bin Salman Bin Abdulazziz, who saw more than 20 years ago the pressing need to fight disability through scientific research that is aimed at understanding, preventing, and curing disability at its root.
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulazziz sponsored this idea and saw it through to its inception in August, 1991, when the Ministry of Social Affiars issued a charter authorizing the establishment of King Slaman Center for Disability Research. The continued patronage of King Salman has enabled the Center to be one of the very few organizations in the world that are completely devoted to scientific research related to disability.
Vision, message, and values
The Center's vision is to become a leader in the field of disability research with a global impact.
The Center also seeks to implement its message of "science benefiting people" through preventing disability and improving quality of life for the disabled through scientific research.
The Center seeks to perform its duties by committing to the following values:
- Belief in seeking knowledge that benefits humankind.
- Belief in team building and sharing of knowledge and capabilities.
- Belief in a culture of credibility, professionalism, and humaneness
One: King Salman Center for Disability Research specializes in:
- Executing scientific research in the fields of disability and providing all requirements for such.
- Supporting scientific research in the fields of disability and providing researchers in these fields with all forms of needed support.
- Fostering interest in disability research and programs aimed at the disabled.
- Encouraging scientific research and effective practices in the fields of disability and encouraging the exchange of knowledge and experiences between practitioners through organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops.
- Cooperation and coordination with governmental and private entities to develop research activities and prevention programs that aim to prevent disability and improve the quality of life for the disabled.
- Encouraging scientific research through public relations and media.
- Sponsoring the registration of patents related to disability and helping inventors register their patents.
Two: Conducting and facilitating training events related to the scientific aspects of disability.
Three: Releasing periodicals publishing research papers and studies related to disability.
Four: Establishing a data center that houses databases and statistic on disability and disability research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and providing researchers and professionals with access to this information to facilitate and encourage research endeavors.
Five: Spreading social awareness around disability and its prevention and the ideal methods of caring for the disabled on the family and societal levels.
Six: Seeking to put into practice the results of scientific research through programs and coordination with concerned entities.